long cable option (120cm instead of 43cm) scurion ESPELEO
long cable option (120cm instead of 43 cm)
The battery case is intended to be mounted on the helmet. This balances the helmet well and does't give you a hassle with cables getting caught at stalactites hanging around. The cable (BTW) is made of a very durable, cut-resistant material otherwise used for cabling cranes or concrete mixers on construction site. This, in contrast to cheap PVC cables, ensures you'll never be able to break it and it remains watertight (also in contrast to PVC) at the feedthroughs.
If you don't want to mount the battery case on the helmet, we can provide a longer cable. It has a slightly higher resistance so efficiency is affected a bit (not by a large amount, but the whole design is about very high efficiency, every percent counts!). Ask for details. We will not mount connectors on the cable of the caving lamps - there are no small, reliable (in terms of cave use) connectors available and we will not compromise the reliability of our lamp with an unsuitable connector.